Sunday, April 3, 2011

Whisper Sunday

In case you haven't heard, my hubby Robert, has been transferred back to the night shift.  He is a deputy with a local sheriff's office.  When you work for the sheriff's office, like most other jobs I suppose, they can pretty much put you where they need you.  So Robert is back on the night shift.

He used to work nights when he first started in the jail, 7 years ago.  And then again, when he first went out to patrol, 5 years ago.  I've gotten used to the almost-like-a-regular-job day shift he's had for the last few years.  But nothing lasts forever, I suppose.

The children are certainly not used to this new schedule either.  And I have never had to manage a sleeping husband and four children all in one house before.  It's not really a job he can go to and do well on very little sleep.  I want more than anything for him to be bringing his A game to a job where not only do you work at night, but you also carry a gun and wear body armour!  So today, I had a great idea.  Whisper Sunday.

It's just as simple as it sounds.  Nobody speaks louder than a whisper.  All day.  And to make it more appealing to the children, the one who is the quietest all day gets to choose our movie for Sunday Night Movie Time tonight.  This idea was brilliant, if I do say so myself.  I am enjoying sitting on my couch, listening to the sounds of my fingers clicking away on the keyboard, the dishwasher washing dishes in the background, and... well, not much else.  I think I will take this quiet time to read a few chapters in my book and maybe doze on the couch for a little while.

I hope your Sunday is as peaceful as ours, friends.

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