Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Word Nerd

Because I am a word nerd, I get these daily text messages from dictionary.com with the Word of the Day.  It gives the word, pronunciation, and definition.  And... an advertisement.  Quick funny story about those... The first day I got my text message, the word was "klatch."  Now, a klatch is an informal social gathering usually including refreshments.  I had never heard this word before, but it turns out that I love klatches.  But the advertisement at the end of the text simply said, "*A psoriasis treatment option."  And a link you can click on your phone.  Since I pretty much only use my phone to text, check facebook, and to make the occasional phone call, I did not click on the link.  I really thought that "klatch" was also a word for a psoriasis treatment option!  Crazy, right?!  Anyway, since I now know that every word dictionary.com sends me cannot also be a psoriasis treatment option I realized two things.  1. Those little phrases at the bottom of the texts are indeed advertisements and 2. dictionary.com should maybe look into getting other companies to advertise.  Just a thought.  But at any rate, I love my words of the day.  I could do an entire blog post listing out my favorites new words I have learned and use them in a sentence too.  Because let's face it, what's the point of learning a new word, if you don't put it to use, right?  Oh and the point of this blog post: This morning I was listening to the radio, KSBJ, and they had a musician, Brandon Heath, in the studio as a guest.  He mentioned how he sometimes gets together for coffee with Natalie Grant, because they are both advocates for stopping human trafficking.  Well the DJ, Susan O'Donnell, jokingly made the comment, "Oh, so you get together for coffee with Natalie Grant, hmm?  You know I would be available for one of those klatches sometime.  Just let me know."  It made me laugh.  And wonder... Does Susan O'Donnell also get the Word of the Day text messages?  Maybe she's a word nerd too.